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Time, Body Jenny Blake Time, Body Jenny Blake

021: Navigating the Business Model Crucible With Jo-Na Williams

Jo-Ná’s aha-moment came five years into running her law practice, at a time when in theory she was thriving: serving the most successful “famous” entrepreneurs in her industry, with 11 employees and more work than they could handle. And yet, that crush of work with lax boundaries led her straight to burnout.

Unsure how to step out of the operations to take a break, Jo-Ná started subconsciously sabotaging her business—just so she could feel free again. Now, five years later, she is thriving and more energetically aligned with her practice and clients than ever. Jo-Ná reconnected with her love of being a lawyer (and now a spiritual counselor), after making crucial business model shifts that put her own joy and wellness back where it belongs: front and center.

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